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September 28, 2023

Say Goodbye to Rodents: 3 things you can do to prevent rodents in Charlotte

Keep Rodents Out of Your Charlotte Home

Have you ever been startled by the sound of tiny scurrying feet in your attic, or discovered evidence of a furry intruder in your pantry/closet? If you live in Charlotte, rodent infestations could be an all too familiar problem. These pests not only cause damage to your property but also pose health risks to you and your family. To help you prevent rodent espionage missions (too much?) and maintain a rodent-free home, we've put together this ole post for ya.

Read to the end for three effective strategies that can help you bid farewell to rodents in Charlotte. 😎

Identifying Common Rodent Species in Charlotte

When it comes to rodent control in Charlotte, it's important to have a good understanding of the different types of rodents that are commonly found in the area. By being able to identify their species, you can better implement effective prevention and control measures.

Here are three of the most common types of rodent species you may encounter:

The House Mouse 

The house mouse (Mus musculus) is a small rodent that is known for its ability to adapt and thrive in various environments, including (unfortunately for you) homes and buildings. These mice are typically light grey or brown in color and can squeeze through tiny cracks and openings, making it easy for them to find their way into your home.

Not to be confused with the deer mouse; house mice will have hairy tails, while deer mice will have hairless tails.

The Roof Rat

The roof rat (Rattus rattus [lol]) is another common rodent species found in Charlotte. These rats are adept climbers and are often found in attics, rooftops, and trees. They have a slender build with a pointed snout and can cause significant damage to your property if left to "raze the roof"... so to speak.

The Norway Rat

The Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) is a larger rodent species that thrives in both urban and rural environments. These rats have a stocky build, blunt snout, and are known for burrowing underground. They can cause structural damage to buildings, contaminate food, and transmit diseases.

Understanding the Risks of Rodent Infestations

Rodent infestations can pose significant risks to both your property and your health; and it's nothing like some good risk understanding to act as a good motivator. I think it's crucial to have a clear understanding of these risks in order to effectively prevent and address rodent problems in your Charlotte home.

Let's explore the potential dangers associated with rodent infestations:

1. Structural Damage:

Firstly, rodents such as the ones we covered (house mice, deer mice, black rats, and roof rats), are known to cause damage to structures and property. They can chew through electrical wiring, insulation, and even wooden support beams, leading to very expensive repairs.

2. Health Risks:

Rodents are carriers of various diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans through direct contact, bites, or by ingesting contaminated food or water. Some common diseases associated with rodents include Hantavirus (a very nasty one, more info here), Salmonellosis, and Leptospirosis.

3. Allergies and Respiratory Issues:

Rodent droppings, urine, and dander can trigger allergic reactions, especially among individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions. These allergens can become airborne and circulate throughout your home, worsening symptoms and compromising indoor air quality.

WARNING: Take extra precautions when cleaning areas contaminated by rodents. Wear gloves, a mask, and ventilate the area before and during clean-up. Consider seeking professional rodent removal services to ensure thorough clean-up and minimize potential health risks. Absolutely do not use a vacuum for rodent dander/droppings!!!

4. Fire Hazards:

Rodents are notorious chewers, and their gnawing habits extend to electrical wiring. Damaged wiring can lead to short circuits, increasing the risk of electrical fires in your home.

Regularly inspect and repair any damaged electrical wiring. If you suspect a rodent infestation, contact a professional pest control company like Aruza Pest Control to address the issue promptly.

Signs of Rodent Activity and Infestation

Rodents can be sneaky and elusive, thereby it's important to be able to identify the signs of their presence. By recognizing the signs early on, you can take proactive measures to prevent a full-blown infestation in your home or property. Here are some key indicators of rodent activity:

Droppings: One of the most common signs of rodent presence is the discovery of droppings. Different rodent species have distinct droppings, so it's important to get an idea of what these may look like when diagnosing rodents.

House mice leave small, rice-shaped droppings, while roof rats produce spindle-shaped droppings. By identifying the type of droppings, you can determine which rodent species is causing the problem and take appropriate action.

Gnaw marks: Rodents have a constant need to gnaw to keep their teeth from growing too long. Look for gnaw marks on various surfaces, such as wood, plastic, or wires. Fresh gnaw marks will be light in color, while older ones may appear darker or more weathered. Evident gnaw marks can indicate an active rodent infestation and the need for immediate attention.

Noises (scratch scratch): If you hear scratching, scurrying, or squeaking noises in walls, ceilings, or other hidden areas of your property, it's likely that you have some rodent guests. They are nocturnal creatures, so these sounds are often heard at night when they are most active.

Pay attention to any persistent sounds that seem to be coming from inaccessible areas, as they could indicate the presence of rodents.

Nests or burrows: Rodents build nests using various materials such as shredded paper, fabric, or insulation. Check for nests in hidden areas like attics, crawl spaces, or behind appliances.

Burrows, on the other hand, are tunnels dug by rodents for shelter or accessing food sources. Keep an eye out for burrows in outdoor areas, especially near food storage or garbage bins.

Unusual pet behavior: Pets are often the first to detect the presence of rodents due to their heightened senses. If you notice your cat or dog showing increased interest in certain areas, pawing at walls, or staring intently at corners, it could be a sign of rodent activity.

Funny story from a customer: we had mice in our kitchen one time and our cat Ghandalf was the first to notice - in fact, he noticed so well that he ended up exterminating 2 of them - which he proudly laid out for us to see... thanks Ghandalf. 

The 3 Prevention Techniques to Keep Rodents Out

When it comes to rodent control, prevention is key. By taking proactive measures to keep rodents out of your home or business in Charlotte, you can avoid the hassles of dealing with an infestation.

Here are three effective techniques to help you say goodbye to rodents:

Seal Entry Points:

Rodents are opportunistic creatures that can squeeze through even the tiniest openings. Inspect your property for any potential entry points and seal them off to deny access to these pests.

Focus on areas such as:

  • Gaps around doors and windows
  • Holes in walls or foundations
  • Cracks in the roof or attic
  • Gaps in plumbing or utility lines

Use door sweeps to close gaps at the bottom of doors, and patch any holes with materials like steel wool or hardware cloth. By eliminating entry points, you can greatly reduce the risk of a rodent invasion.

Remove Food Sources

One of the main reasons rodents invade homes and businesses is the availability of food. By depriving them of a readily accessible food source, you can deter rodents from setting up the sequel of Ratatouille on your property.

Follow these guidelines:

- Store food in airtight containers made of glass or metal.

- Keep kitchens and dining areas clean and free of crumbs.

- Dispose of garbage regularly in sealed bins.

- Keep outdoor trash areas clean and well-maintained.

By eliminating food sources, you reduce the likelihood of a rodent problem and compel them to look elsewhere for sustenance.

Declutter and Maintain Your Property

Rodents are agile climbers and can make their way into your property through overgrown vegetation, wood piles, and cluttered areas. Trim trees and shrubs away from your house and roof, store firewood away from the exterior walls, and clear debris and clutter - both indoors and outdoors.

Recommended Pest Control Services in Charlotte

If you're dealing with a rodent problem in Charlotte, it's crucial to take immediate action to prevent further infestation and potential damage to your property. While there are preventative measures you can take on your own, sometimes the expertise of a professional pest control service becomes necessary. 

Aruza Pest Control is a reputable option for rodent control in Charlotte. Our experienced technicians are well-versed in identifying entry points, locating nesting areas, and implementing effective exclusion techniques. We focus on addressing the root cause of infestations and provide tailored solutions to ensure long-term prevention.

Remember, hiring a professional pest control service not only ensures the removal of rodents but also helps identify and address any underlying structural vulnerabilities that may be contributing to the infestation. 

Ian Gunn

Graduated from UNC Charlotte, Ian Gunn is an expert in all things pest. After receiving his bachelors of science, he got a job offer with Aruza Pest Control and assists with marketing, networking, and occasionally doing some pest control of his own!

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