House Flies: Identification, Prevention, and Control Strategies

scientific name indicator icon
Musca domestica
measurement icon

Although house is in their name, these critters are anything but homeowners. House flies happily take up residency in our kitchens and they have absolutely no intention of paying their rent.

Threat Level
Nuisance Score


Flies are small winged critters that we often swat away; despite this, they have made themselves at home all around the world. What's fascinating is that they sport not one, but two pairs of wings, and their bodies are adorned with (admittedly quite beautiful) scales. 

Scavengers at heart, flies are drawn to food, garbage, and practically any source of moisture. Unfortunately, flies can transmit diseases, adding a more sinister aspect to their harmless-looking demeanor.


Flies are like the foodies of the insect world - they'll eat almost anything! From decaying matter to nectar, and even blood, these omnivores aren't picky. Though flies actually do not have mouthparts, they instead consume their food by essentially drinking it through what is known as a proboscis. 

In order to identify their food, flies actually have taste receptors located in their legs. So yes, that means flies quite literally taste with their feet.

In terms of reproduction, females lay their eggs in warm, damp spots. Fly babies, or larvae (also lovingly known as maggots), grow up through several developmental stages before finally taking wing as adults.


From Charlotte to the farthest reaches of the United States, flies can make a home nearly anywhere - houses, businesses, the trash compactor outside your apartment, and of course, the great outdoors. They love the humidity and warmth, making them all too common in these types of climates.

Human Interaction

While flies may seem like little more than a nuisance, buzzing around our heads, landing on our food, and generally just being bothersome, they're actually a health hazard as well. 

Flies can be vectors for some nasty diseases like typhoid and cholera. They're also experts at food contamination, often leading to instances of food poisoning. This is because flies will defecate quite often. Since they drink their food, digestion takes place rapidly. If a fly lands on a surface, there is a high likelihood that the fly just defecated.

Best to keep your runways closed for business around flies.


How can I get rid of flies?
How do flies get into my house in North Carolina?
How do I identify a fly?

Pest Control

When flies have taken over, and it seems like you're living in their house instead of the other way around, it's time to call the pros. Pest control companies have the expertise and the experience to handle your fly problem in no time.

But prevention is always better than cure. Here's how you can keep your home fly-free:

  • Seal up any openings in your home.
  • Maintain cleanliness, especially when it comes to food and garbage.
  • Empty your garbage cans regularly.
  • Keep pet food bowls covered when not in use.
  • Make use of fly traps or sprays.

I hope this dive into the world of flies has been both fun and informative. 

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