Carpenter Ants: Identification, Damage, and Control Strategies

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1/4" - 1/2"

While they may be known as carpenters, the last thing on the carpenter ant's mind is your home improvement projects.

Threat Level
Nuisance Score


Carpenter ants, although quite the interesting species, will actually not help you in your next home reno project - quite the opposite really. These sizable ants are dispersed globally and are distinct for their dark hues and body structure measuring about half an inch. Encased in a hard exoskeleton, their segmented bodies are carried by six legs, and their faces are marked by a pair of antennae.

Carpenter ants have a unique relationship with wood. They don't consume it as termites do, but their robust jaws carve intricate tunnels and chambers into the wooden fabric. Unfortunately, this often results in structural damage to our homes and other wooden constructs.


Carpenter ants thrive in colonies, just like other ant counterparts. The colonies comprise various castes, each entrusted with a specific function. The queen reigns supreme, being the only reproducer, while the sterile female workers perform all the crucial chores for the colony's sustenance. The males' existence is temporary, present only for the mating season before they die off.

As omnivores, carpenter ants consume a variety of foods. Their diet includes insects, plants, and at times, fellow ants. Not shying away from scavenging, they readily consume garbage and dead animals.


Carpenter ants are found everywhere from forests, grasslands, deserts, the local home depot and, to our dismay, our homes. Their love for warm, moist environments leads them to build nests in soil, wood, or other materials. Carpenter ants, true to their name, show a preference for wood, constructing their colonies within wooden structures.

Human Interaction

The interaction between humans and carpenter ants can be a mixed bag. On one hand, they can be a nuisance when they invade our homes, contaminating food, damaging property, and in some instances, even biting our fingers and toes. On the other hand, they also play a beneficial role by controlling other insect populations and participating in plant pollination.


What can I do to eliminate carpenter ants?
What ways do carpenter ants enter my home?
How do I distinguish carpenter ants?

Pest Control

For severe carpenter ant infestations, don't hesitate to reach out to a professional pest control company. Their experience and knowledge are invaluable in effectively and swiftly dealing with carpenter ant problems.

To prevent carpenter ants from invading your home, consider the following tips:

  • Maintain cleanliness, particularly regarding food and water spills.
  • Seal any cracks or holes in your home's foundation.
  • Prune trees and shrubs near your home.
  • Regularly inspect your home for signs of carpenter ants.
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