Cicada Killers, sometimes known as Cicada Hawks, are more terrifying than they are harmful. These insects do a great deal of population control against cicadas and tend to burrow in areas where cicadas are common.
Cicada killers, as their name suggests, are hefty, lone-wolf type wasps native to North America. Their size can be quite imposing, with some reaching 1.5 inches long. Boasting a black body adorned with yellowish/white markings, these fascinating creatures are truly a sight to behold. Their key feature though, is their stinger - Cicada killers use it to paralyze cicadas, which they then lug back to their nests as food for their larvae.
Yes, they quite literally carry cicadas in their legs back to their nests - quite the sight to behold.
Living up to their names, cicada killers are predators with their diet primarily consisting of cicadas. Each female cicada killer is a self-reliant entity, creating her own nest and raising her progeny independently in the ground. The female diligently excavates a burrow in the ground, laying her eggs within this shelter. You’ll often be able to see rather large dirt piles near where cicada killers fly around signifying their nest. Once these eggs hatch into larvae, they feast on the paralyzed cicadas that the mother wasp has provided. The larvae eventually pupate within the burrow, emerging as adults in the next spring, thereby continuing the cicada killer lifecycle.
Cicada killers are found in habitats ranging from woodlands, meadows, to even suburban backyards. They are most frequently spotted in areas that are rich in cicada populations, their primary food source.
Typically, cicada killers are not regarded as a significant nuisance. Nonetheless, their sizable stature and conspicuous stinger can make them somewhat intimidating. Despite the fear they may instill, their stings aren't generally harmful to humans. Cicada killers play a valuable role in controlling cicada populations, earning them the badge of beneficial (but scary) insects.
If you're dealing with an overwhelming cicada killer problem, it may be time to contact a professional pest control company. If the infestation is relatively small, you can attempt to dissuade them by treating away any cicadas from your yard and sealing up any crevices or openings in your foundation.
Cicada killers are primarily attracted to your yard if it is a host to cicadas. The presence of cicadas can draw cicada killers into your space. If there are a lot of cicada killers in one area you might see them flying around sporadically and chasing after each other.
Cicada killers can be recognized by their large size, black bodies decorated with yellow (almost white) markings, and a formidable stinger they use to paralyze cicadas.
If you find yourself amidst a severe cicada killer problem, enlisting the aid of a professional pest control company may be the most effective solution. Such companies possess the experience and know-how to resolve your cicada killer issue swiftly and efficiently.
Here are some preventive measures to help keep cicada killers from setting up camp in your yard:
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